Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Choose a Warhammer 40k Board Game Army?

I would like to start playing Warhammer 40k but I'm not sure what army to choose.

Are there any websites with guides on how to choose or F%26amp;Qs about the strengths, weaknesses, styles of each army.

Please don't just say army names as that is pointless.

Thank you!How to Choose a Warhammer 40k Board Game Army?
There's no end of website that will give you opinions and suggestions on what army is right for you. If you're getting into 40k, why not join one of the online communities at or (or any of the other, excellent similar sites)? You'll often find that there are dedicated message boards for each army (such as at and you can browse army lists, background and tacticas at your leisure.

My advice, for what it's worth, is that you should choose your first army with great care but thinking far more with your heart than with your head. The reason that so many people buy Space Marines as their first army isn't (only) because Games Workshop push the range so hard, but because the iconic imagery of the models reaches out and pushes buttons deep in the part of our psyches forever marked "little boy". I've been playing marines for over twenty years now and, although I've dabbled with other armies, none has ever come close for consistently grabbing and keeping my attention.

Now, I'm not saying that you should do marines. But collecting, building, painting and learning to play with an army is a huge investment of time and effort (not to mention money), so if you pick an army on any criteria other than the fact that the whole concept of the army makes you go "ZOMG!1! Its teh coolest!!!1!" and turns you in one fell swoop from rational human being to drooling fanboi then you've probably picked the wrong army.How to Choose a Warhammer 40k Board Game Army?
try using the games workshop online and that should tell you about each faction. if that doesnt work try going to your local modelling shop or wherever you can buy them and ask someone or just check out the guides. thats what i did and ni chose the space marines, as they're good to use for anyone who is new to the game.How to Choose a Warhammer 40k Board Game Army?
go into the games workshop and read the codex's of army's you like the look of or ask someone there for help they should tell you army's strengths and weakness's i chose necrons in the end i found they would cool and fun to paint.
head to your local Games Workshop outlet and speak with the staff there

read through the core book and play the demo games

keep asking questions till you feel satisfied

then choose your army and enjoy your new hobby

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