Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What is the fastest way to bulk paint warhammer miniatures?

I always spend too much time on each one as I am a detail freak! Whats the fastest/nicest way to paint lots of models at once!What is the fastest way to bulk paint warhammer miniatures?
The assembly line is the way to go however there are some tricks that can assist.

Pick a good primer paint, a light gray is best, I used automotive primers.

Next have 4 or 5 colors of "steel". I would purchase 4 jars of silver color and add a little dark blue to one, black to another, dark green to another etc.

This provides you with several shades of metal and you can switch shades with each miniature as you move them through the line.

This will give you large groups of pieces with slight variations in their look.

The others have mentioned a black wash over the pieces and it definitely brings out the details.

I would also suggest dry brushing with a lighter steel or silver color to bring out the edges of the parts.

You can also do this with a pencil rubbed on the edges for high lites but then you must use a matte clear coat to protect it.What is the fastest way to bulk paint warhammer miniatures?
I know when I used to be a collector I would give it a nice base coat of black and then do each part of all your army. Like for instance do all their shoulder pads and then move on to another part.What is the fastest way to bulk paint warhammer miniatures?
I agree with Jackall.

When we were playing a lot we did it assembly line style. Start with spray primer and then do each part and then come back for the next part etc. and then finis he with a few details - like highlights - and then a wash over them all.

Remember these are your "grunt" troops so get them done and get playing. Your competition group you can spend time on.

Good luck!

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