Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What is the most powerful troop in warhammer 40k?

I just want to know so i can start an army by its race.What is the most powerful troop in warhammer 40k?
"Powerful" and "troop" are ill-defined terms.

Comparing three aspects of a unit choice will give you some ideas:

1. Amount of damage they can inflict (close combat and ranged).

2. Amount of damage they can absorb.

3. Amount of points they cost.

If you cross-reference these three across the board, then the most effective unit for its points cost is a 10-man tactical squad of space marines with a Rhino.

But that doesn't mean they can't have their problems. Necron Warriors are just as tough and dangerous, with the added advantage of their "We'll Be Back" rule, but cost more points and are very slow in combat.

Tyranid warriors are as strong and tough, with two wounds and some nasty weapons, but they are hard to field in groups larger than 3-5 and they're Elites (so can't hold objectives). Genestealers are fast and deadly but vulnerable to massed firepower.

Guardsmen are weak and fragile but numerous, as are Orks. Fire Warriors are great at arm's length but fall apart as soon as they're charged.


Choosing an army to collect based on how "powerful" you think they are is a mistake. Winning at 40k isn't about choosing the right race. It's about choosing a race you like and then learning how to win with it.

Remember that whatever army you choose, you'll have to spend a loooong time and lots of effort building, painting and assembling the whole, so it really has to be an army that sets your imagination on fire. If it doesn't, then you'll lose interest and drift away with a half-finished army and the erroneous idea that the game was somehow at fault.What is the most powerful troop in warhammer 40k?
By most powerful I assume you mean hardest to kill and able to inflict a good amount of damage. There are plenty of troops out there that can either survive for a while or dish out a good dose of pain but far fewer troops can do both.

I also assume you mean a list as a whole rather then simply the most powerful unit.

In that case I'd have to go with the Grey Knights from the Demonhunters list. Pretty hard to kill with a 3+ save, and able to dish out some real damage in both close combat and ranged.

To a lesser extent I would say all space marines or chaos marines fit this bill, but the grey knight in particular are just a little bit stronger (and more expensive points wise)

If your looking for the most powerful unit your looking at one of the space marine lists (or chaos marines). Some players might include Tau or Tyranides in this list as well.

Also last but not least if you mean powerful as far as highest winning percentage, there really isn't a list that fits this bill. Part of the draw of 40k is the balance between the lists.

That being said; there are some players that believe that the basic Space Marine list has always been and still is just a little over powered (Very minor). The supposed reason for this is simply due to it being one of the most popular lists to play and perhaps easiest to use for beginners. These points could be debated and are by no means held by everyone.What is the most powerful troop in warhammer 40k?
depends on the army

head to your local games workshop outlet or hobby shop where warhammer stuff is sold and ask around

be prepared to spend a good chunk of change for your army as warhammer is not a cheap game to play

figures generally cost $10+

vehicles are $30+

as are units like troopers and bikers

special units like titans and gargants are bigtime expensive over $100+

codex's are $30 for each army

you can get a 2 rifle case from a gun store used for like $10

and use it to transport your army in

this way you can build extra units to personalize your army or change out units depending on what your facing

the game is fun and easy to learn just not cheap

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