Friday, March 9, 2012

What is a good 1500 point Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Army for Cities Of Death?

I would like to play at least two squads of Terminators (my favourite models) and would like at least one tank. The one other thing that I want to play is my Terminator Librarian. The rest is open. Give me creative and good results for a perfect city fight. What is a good 1500 point Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Army for Cities Of Death?
Well, the 5th Ed rules have thrown a nice little spanner in the works for your city-fight missions. Deep-striking your terminators is a deeply risky prospect, which will mean deploying them in conventional fashion with all the lack of progress that entails. You may, therefore, wish to invest in a Land Raider (or variant thereof - the Redeemer will be particularly effective in cityfights with its enormous inferno cannons) which will be able to carry your Terminators to the heart of the enemy. the new vehicle damage tables make Land Raiders especially effective in cityfights as they're hard enough to hurt as it is, but will now enjoy a 4+ save from almost any shot in an urban battlefield.

That said, the Land Raider is a major points sink. The short-ranged Vindicator, by contrast, enjoys the advantage of its pie-plate ordnance template whilst being even harder to hit thanks to its lower profile. But it can't carry any Troops.

Speaking of Troops, they need to be your principle point of concentration because you need plenty of them to seize your objectives. The new Space Marines combat squads rule (in the new codex, which isn't out yet, but identical to the same rule in the Dark Angels codex) helps you to double your Troops units at the start of the game at the expense of smaller squads, but as even one surviving marine counts for claiming an objective in the new rules, this is less important. So you will want at least two Tactical squads.

Bolting on one or two Scouts squads is a good investment, especially with the new Land Speeder Storm offering high mobility transport to your squads. Mount up a squad of Scouts with sniper rifles, fly them to the top of a building and drop them off. The pick up an outflanking second squad and move them straight to the objective - easy!

Finally, remember those slow-moving Terminators? Well, you'll need something fast-moving to contest objectives or to drive enemy forces back. My favourite tactic is to combine the use of a bike squad and an Assault squad. Send them both up against one enemy unit, with one squad hitting them in one turn (usually the bike squad) and then the second squad (usually the Assult squad) piling in in the next turn.

Not only will this "double-whammy" see off the majority of enemy units, but even if it doesn't, it will draw supporting enemy units into it like moths to a flame, drawing them away from those essential objective markers while your scouts and Tactical squads run in to claim them for the Emperor!What is a good 1500 point Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Army for Cities Of Death?
well, I would go for a vindicator, and if you have so many terminators

then it would be worth it to take a company master in terminator armor.

with the new line of sight rules, you should take a few squads of scouts with sniper rifles. also, a whirlwind with castellan missiles would come in handy. Finally, some plasma cannons and missile launchers can hit a lot of people.

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