Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm thinking of start painting warhammer 44,000 what is the best way to start out for beginners?

The intro box set Battle for Black Reach contains tons of figures for you to paint, and you can usually find additional figures on ebay; Space Marines from Black Reach sell for $17-20, 20 Ork Warriors sell for $20 and additional Deathcopters sell for $8, which will provide you with plenty of paint fodder, as well as the start of a fairly sizable army.

You may want to consider buying an intro paint set for Warhammer 40,000 as well, it contains 3 additional Space Marines; very useful.

A can of black primer is a must. The GW stuff is quite pricey, but is a true black. Some people use Krylon sandable automotive primer which is grey.

Use brushes with real horse hair, preferably red sable, never use brushes with synthetic hair.

Get an old bathroom tile as a pallete, or buy one at an art shop. You can even use an old comic book bag and board if trying to save money.

Assemble the models. Make sure all mold lines have been filed away.

Prime the models black. If you used Krylon grey, , go over the metal bits with Chaos Black

For paint, add a dot of paint to your palette, and thin with water. This is important. Models that have thick paint applied to them will never look good.

Start with the metal bits. drybrush the metal bits with Boltgun Metal

For Space Marines, then add the armor color. Concentrate on trying to "stay inside the lines" while pairing. If you make a mistake, flood the area with water, then try again.

Paint the base the base color.

That will get you by in a pinch.

For orks, it;s the same, but then add Bestial Brown to the pants and leather straps. Go over the pants with Vermin Brown, and the straps with Snakebite Leather

Paint the face Dark Angel Green, or Orkhide Shade.

Paint the base.

That should do it for starters, your local GW staff should be happy to teach you more.
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