Friday, March 2, 2012

What is a good way to start playing WarHammer 40k?

I really like the Eldar army. Please inform me of a good/cheap way to start playing WarHammer 40k.What is a good way to start playing WarHammer 40k?
Well, sorry, but there is no cheap way. The cheapest way that I can think of is to go onto Ebay or Craigslist and looking for used figures that others dont want anymore.What is a good way to start playing WarHammer 40k?
Go on eBay and look up the classifieds section in your newspaper; don't buy directly from Games Workshop, most of their equipment is overpriced.

Don't buy their modelling equipment, either; superglue, plastic glue and other modelling equipment is about half of the price if you buy from a hardware store.

If you are a skilled sculptor, try bying bitz from a friend and sculpting on the remaining body parts using green stuff. Once again, don't buy the green stuff from Games Workshop, buy it onlines, I've seen 12" of Greenstuff go for about $10 on eBay, including postage from UK (I live in Adelaide). But keep in mind that creating molds of Warhammer miniatures (and sometimes sculpting them from scratch) is not accepted within Games Workshop.

The paints... well, for quality, Games Workshop (and some will argue Vallejo) have few/no rivals. Personally if you want to be cheaper you COULD try diluting your Vallejo paints, as they have better coverage than Citadel paints.

If you want to be really cheap with the paints you could just use any type of acrylic paint, really.

Anyways, hope this helped, good luck with that Eldar army! :)

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